Howard F. Vincent DMD

125-H Wappoo Creek Drive - Charleston, SC 29412

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  1. How do I schedule an appointment with Dr. Vincent for an initial consultation?
  2. At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?
  3. Is there a cost for the initial examination?
  4. What will happen at the initial examination appointment?
  5. Will I have to have any teeth removed for braces?
  6. How long does treatment take?
  7. What is patient cooperation and how important is it during orthodontic treatment?
  8. How much will braces cost? Is orthodontic treatment affordable? How does my
    insurance work?
  9. How often will I have appointments?
  10. Can I have all of my appointments after school?
  11. Do braces hurt?
  12. Can my child play sports while wearing braces?
  13. Will braces interfere with playing musical instruments?
  14. Are their any foods I cannot eat while I have braces?
  15. How do I take care of my braces?
  16. Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?
  17. What if something breaks?
  18. What if an emergency occurs after normal office hours?
  19. What is interceptive or Phase I orthodontic treatment?
  20. What is comprehensive or Phase II orthodontic treatment?
  21. What is a space maintainer?
  22. Will my child need full braces if he/she has interceptive or Phase I therapy?
  23. Some of my children’s friends have already started treatment, but Dr. Vincent
    says my child should wait a while. Why is there a difference in treatment?

  24. What about the wisdom teeth (3rd molars) - should they be removed?
  25. Why are retainers needed after orthodontic treatment?
  26. Will tooth alignment change later in life?
  27. Is it too late to have braces if I am already an adult?
  28. How does adult treatment differ from that of children and adolescents?
  29. Can I wear braces even though I have crowns and missing teeth?
  30. Are there different types of braces?
  31. Why should you choose an orthodontic specialist?

How do I schedule an appointment with Dr. Vincent for an initial consultation?

Most of our patients are referred by their family dentist; however, many patients are concerned about their health and appearance and take the initiative to schedule themselves for an examination to have their need for orthodontic care evaluated. Please call our office at 843-762-2304 and request a complimentary consultation for an initial examination.

At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that all children have a checkup with an orthodontist no later than age 7. This allows potential growth-related problems to be identified, so that treatment can be commenced at the appropriate time for each patient. By this age, the 6-year molars and several permanent teeth have erupted allowing Dr. Vincent to effectively evaluate developing orthodontic problems.

Is there a cost for the initial examination?

No, there is no cost for the initial examination. We believe that the relationship established during a patient’s first visit is much more important than an “office visit” charge.

What will happen at the initial examination appointment?

Each patient and parent will be greeted by our front office staff and taken on a brief tour of our facility. Dr. Vincent will listen to your concerns, and conduct a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth to determine if there is a need for orthodontic treatment. If treatment is deemed necessary, diagnostic records including study models, photographs, and X-rays will be taken. Dr. Vincent will discuss approximate treatment costs if appropriate, and take the time to answer any other questions a patient or parent may have.

Will I have to have any teeth removed for braces?

Removing teeth is sometimes necessary in order to get the best orthodontic result possible. However, the need for removing teeth has been greatly reduced by utilizing the latest technology in orthodontic procedures. At Vincent Orthodontics we are committed to providing the highest quality of treatment by utilizing the newest, most up-to-date technology available.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment times vary with factors that include the severity of the problem, patient growth, gum and bone response to orthodontic forces and how well the patient follows instructions on dental hygiene, diet and appliance wear (patient cooperation). In general, treatment times range from 15 to 28 months. An “average” time a person spends in braces is approximately 22 months for full treatment.

What is patient cooperation and how important is it during orthodontic treatment?

Good patient cooperation means that the patient not only follows the orthodontic instructions on oral hygiene and diet, but is also an active partner in orthodontic treatment. Successful orthodontic treatment is a “2-way street” that requires a consistent, cooperative effort by both Dr. Vincent and the patient. To successfully complete the treatment plan in an efficient manner, the patient must carefully clean their teeth, wear elastics and/or other appliances as prescribed, avoid foods that might damage braces and keep scheduled appointments. Damaged appliances can lengthen treatment time and may undesirably affect the outcome of treatment.

How much will braces cost? Is orthodontic treatment affordable? How does my insurance work?

Patients are finding that braces are more affordable today than ever. The cost of orthodontic treatment will depend on many factors, including the severity of the problem, its complexity and the length of treatment time. Dr. Vincent will be glad to discuss the costs with you before treatment begins. We have many financing options to meet most needs and will be happy to review them with you. We file insurance on the patient’s behalf, and also offer a discount for fees paid in full at the beginning of treatment. Dollar for dollar, when you consider the lifetime benefits of orthodontics, it is truly a great value.

How often will I have appointments?

Appointments are scheduled according to each individual patient’s needs. Most patients in braces will be seen every six to eight weeks. If there are specific situations that require more frequent monitoring, appointments will be scheduled accordingly.

Can I have all of my appointments after school?

Unfortunately, we cannot schedule all appointments for student patients after school hours. However, because most appointments are scheduled six to eight weeks apart, most patients miss very little school due to their orthodontic treatments. We try very hard to meet the scheduling needs of our patients and parents.

Do braces hurt?

Generally, braces do not “hurt”. After some visits, however, teeth may be sore for a few days. In these situations, pain medications such as Advil or Tylenol can be used to ease the discomfort. However, after most visits patients do not feel any soreness at all. In other words, it does not have to hurt to work! We routinely recommend our patients return to school after their orthodontic appointments.

Can my child play sports while wearing braces?

Yes, but wearing a protective mouthguard is advised while playing any contact sports. Dr. Vincent can recommend a specific mouthguard for your convenience.

Will braces interfere with playing musical instruments?

Playing wind or brass instruments, such as the trumpet, will clearly require some adaptation to braces. With practice and a period of adjustment, braces typically do not interfere with the playing of musical instruments.

Are their any foods I cannot eat while I have braces?

Yes. Once treatment begins, complete instructions and a comprehensive list will be provided regarding foods to avoid. Avoiding hard, sticky, crunchy and chewy foods will help to keep your braces intact and make your treatment flow smoothly. Emergency appointments to repair broken or damaged braces can be avoided by carefully following instructions on what foods to avoid.

How do I take care of my braces?

Extra time is needed with tooth brushing to make sure that all areas around the braces have been cleaned properly. Specialized brush tips are available to help get in between the braces and under the wires. Floss threaders are helpful in passing floss under arch wires to facilitate flossing of the teeth. Oral irrigators are often helpful to dislodge food debris from around the teeth. The goal is to remove plaque from around the teeth and gums. We will also provide a prescription for a special fluoride gel to help protect your teeth.

Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?

Yes! Regular checkups with your family dentist are still important while in braces. We recommend a visit to your family dentist no less than once every six months while in active orthodontic treatment.

What if something breaks?

If something happens and your braces are causing pain, please call our office so that you can be seen as soon as possible. Depending on the particular problem, we will schedule the time necessary to repair the broken appliances. Remember to avoid chewing hard, sticky or chewy foods or objects. These are often the culprits that cause broken braces.

What if an emergency occurs after normal office hours?

Dr. Vincent is available after normal working hours by calling the office and waiting
for the answering service response. The recorded message will give you Dr. Vincent’s number, and he will return your call as soon as feasible to address your emergency.

What is interceptive or Phase I orthodontic treatment?

Phase I or interceptive orthodontic treatment is performed for problems, if left untreated, that could lead to the development of more serious dental problems over time. The goal is to reduce the severity of a developing problem. This, in turn, usually reduces the length of future comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Examples of this kind of orthodontic treatment may include correction of thumb-sucking habits, guiding permanent teeth into desired positions, and gaining or holding space for permanent teeth. Interceptive orthodontic treatment can take place when patients have primary teeth or a combination of primary and permanent teeth.

What is comprehensive or Phase II orthodontic treatment?

Comprehensive orthodontic treatment is undertaken for problems that involve alignment of the teeth, how the jaws function and how the top and bottom teeth fit together. The goal of comprehensive orthodontic treatment is to correct the identified problem and restore the occlusion (bite) to its optimum. Treatment is usually not begun until all permanent teeth are present.

What is a space maintainer?

Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth, hold needed space for the future eruption of permanent teeth. In certain instances, when a baby tooth is lost prematurely, an orthodontic device can be placed to hold the space needed to prevent future crowding of the permanent teeth.

Will my child need full braces if he/she has interceptive or Phase I therapy?

It is best to assume that your child will need full braces after Phase I treatment. The period of time following Phase I therapy is called the “resting period” during which time growth and tooth eruption are closely monitored. Throughout this phase, parents and patients will be kept informed as to any future treatment needs. In most cases, comprehensive treatment will not be initiated until after full permanent dental eruption.

Some of my children’s friends have already started treatment, but Dr. Vincent says my child should wait a while. Why is there a difference in treatment?

Each treatment plan is specific for that individual child, and his/her specific problems. In some cases, children get their permanent teeth early and can undergo treatment at an earlier age. In other cases early treatment is indicated to prevent a more severe problem from occurring in the future. Dr. Vincent is the best person to decide the most optimum treatment plan and timing to initiate orthodontic therapy. Our goal is to provide the best treatment available in the most efficient and affordable manner possible to our patients.

What about the wisdom teeth (3rd molars) - should they be removed?

Research suggests that wisdom teeth do not necessarily cause teeth to shift. In most cases, removal of wisdom teeth is done for general dental health reasons rather than for orthodontic health. Your orthodontist in consultation with your family dentist can provide guidance regarding removal of wisdom teeth.

Why are retainers needed after orthodontic treatment?

After braces are removed, the teeth can shift out of position if they are not stabilized. Retainers are designed to hold teeth in their corrected, ideal positions until the bones and gums adapt to the treatment changes. Wearing retainers exactly as instructed is the best insurance that the treatment improvements will last a lifetime.

Will tooth alignment change later in life?

Studies have shown that as people age, their teeth may shift. This variable pattern of gradual shifting continues to a degree throughout a lifetime for most people. The most common maturational change is crowding of the lower incisors (front teeth). Wearing retainers as instructed after orthodontic treatment will help to stabilize the correction and can prevent most of this change.

Is it too late to have braces if I am already an adult?

Over 30% of our patients are adults. Many orthodontic problems can be corrected as easily for adults as for children. Health, happiness and self-esteem are vitally important to adults. No patient is “too old” to wear braces!

How does adult treatment differ from that of children and adolescents?

Adults are not growing and may have experienced breakdown of their teeth and bone that supports the teeth. Orthodontic treatment may then be only a part of the patient’s overall treatment plan. Close coordination may be required among the orthodontist, oral surgeon, periodontist, endodontist, and family dentist to assure that the treatment plan is managed as well as possible.

Can I wear braces even though I have crowns and missing teeth?

Yes. A tooth with a crown will move just like a tooth with a simple filling. When teeth are missing, orthodontic treatment can aid in the alignment of the remaining teeth so that the space where the teeth are missing can be properly restored.

Are there different types of braces?

Braces differ from one another in many ways. Some braces are clear, nearly invisible, while others are made of stainless steel. All braces are designed to enable the orthodontist to move teeth in three dimensions. We also offer orthodontic treatment without the use of braces. In many cases, a series of clear aligners can be utilized in order to achieve the desired result. Feel free to discuss this unique orthodontic approach with Dr. Vincent.

Why should you choose an orthodontic specialist?

Facial structures are permanently changed by orthodontic treatment. It is very important that the treatment be appropriate and properly completed. An orthodontic specialist like Dr. Vincent has extensive and specialized training that enables him to provide all types of orthodontic patients with professional care.

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125-H Wappoo Creek Drive | Charleston, SC 29412
Phone: 843-762-2304

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