Howard F. Vincent DMD

125-H Wappoo Creek Drive - Charleston, SC 29412

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Braces for Children

teen smiling and wearing braces

As advised by the American Association of Orthodontists, it is best for Dr. Vincent to see your child no later than age 7. Although your child may not be ready for treatment, it is important to begin monitoring growth and development patterns at this time.

In certain instances, the severity of the problem can be reduced by an early phase of treatment. Sometimes early intervention can gain space for permanent teeth, correct harmful oral habits, reduce the need for future removal of teeth, coordinate growth of the upper and lower jaws, and/or allow guidance of the eruption of permanent teeth. In other words, early treatment can simplify treatment later. This specialized process is called Two- Phase Treatment.

In most cases, however, Dr. Vincent does not suggest any treatment at this age. He will usually place the child on “recall/observation” status, which allows him to monitor such things as growth and development of the face and teeth. Through careful early monitoring, Dr. Vincent can choose the most opportune time to initiate orthodontic treatment. This allows the most optimal result with the most efficient treatment mechanics and least expense. There is no charge for these observation visits.

If you would like to see if your child is ready for orthodontic therapy, schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Vincent to get started. Dr. Vincent has over twenty-five years of orthodontic experience working with children in Charleston. We look forward to welcoming you to our family!

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125-H Wappoo Creek Drive | Charleston, SC 29412
Phone: 843-762-2304

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